LIFECODES® Class I and Class II ID
The LIFECODES HLA Antibody Detection System utilizes Luminex® xMAP® technology to achieve flow cytometric sensitivity.LIFECODES Class I and II ID panels provide antibody identification and panel-reactive antibody (PRA) information.
- Reduce total hands-on time, operator variation and contamination with the vacuum manifold wash technique.
- Your data is automatically imported into MATCH IT!® software - allowing for clear and easy to interpret results.
Product offerings may differ by region, please check with your local Werfen representative for regulatory status in your area.

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Ellen Klohe, PhD, D(ABHI), HLA Laboratory Director, Vitalant Spokane Laboratory, USA
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Sam Ho, PhD, D(ABHI), FAACC, HLA Lab Director, Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network, USA
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Valia Bravo-Egana, PhD, F(ACHI), MBA, Director, Technical Supervisor and Clinical Consultant, Histocompatibility/Immunology Laboratory, Medical College of Georgia, USA
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