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Anti-e: autoantibody or alloantibody; concerning or benign?

Objective: The management of anti-e antibodies in patients with sickle cell disease is discussed, focusing on their classification as autoantibodies or alloantibodies and on the transfusion implications, highlighting the need to combine serology, molecular genetics and personalized transfusion strategies to improve safety and efficacy in these patients.

Speaker: Lynsi Rahorst, MHPE, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 38 minutes


A look at Latin America's journey in voluntary blood donation.

Objective: Discusses the progress and challenges of voluntary blood donation in Latin America, highlighting the evolution of voluntary donation (VD), and emphasizes the importance of collaboration between governments, health services and communities to move towards sustainable and equitable donation systems.

Speaker: Marcela García-Castro

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 38 minutes


Identifying antibodies, beyond a panel.

Objective: The procedures and tools used in the identification of irregular antibodies in immunohematology, an essential process to ensure safe and effective transfusions, are described. The comprehensive approach combines traditional techniques with advanced technologies to identify irregular antibodies and improve transfusion safety.

Speaker: Rocío Castillo Trigueros

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 37 minutes


The ABO group as a population marker in Latin America.

Objective: The ABO blood group is described as a population marker in Latin America, exploring its genetic, historical and evolutionary importance.

Speaker: Dr. Héctor A. Baptista González

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 33 minutes


Interference of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments in Immunohematologic Studies.

Objective: We analyze the interferences caused by treatments with monoclonal antibodies (MABs) in immunohematology studies, focusing on two specific therapies: anti-CD38 and anti-CD47. MAB therapies represent significant advances in oncology and pose technical challenges in immunohematology that can be addressed by specialized strategies. Speaker: Fernando Martinez, MD, MScPH

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 31 minutes


Importance of Natural Antibody Titration in Universal Donors.

Objective: The importance of ABO antibody titer in universal donors is discussed, especially in the context of platelet transfusions by apheresis. The risks associated with transfusion of plasma hemocomponents with high titers of anti-A and anti-B antibodies, such as hemolytic transfusion reactions, especially in vulnerable patients, are highlighted. The need to improve hemovigilance and transfusion protocols to ensure patient safety is emphasized. Speaker: Lissett Aguilar Ocaña

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 31 minutes


Knowing the Blood Groups Present in the Population We Serve Impacts the Safety of Our Patients.

Objective: The importance of knowing the blood groups present in the populations served to improve transfusion safety and reduce alloimmunization is emphasized. It is emphasized that blood groups are highly polymorphic and that antigenic frequencies vary among ethnicities and populations, especially in Latin America due to its genetic diversity and miscegenation. Having a thorough knowledge of blood group frequencies and variations is essential to ensure safe and effective care in transfusion medicine. Speaker: María Antonieta Núñez A., PhD, MSc

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 46 minutes


Application of Special Reagents in Complex Cases.

Objective: To discuss complex cases in immunhematology, focusing on the application of special reagents and methodologies to solve diagnostic and transfusion challenges. It presents two clinical cases that illustrate typical situations. The importance of techniques such as adsorption, elution and the use of specialized reagents (such as chloroquine and ZZAP) to characterize antibodies and guarantee safe transfusions, even in complex scenarios, is also emphasized. Speaker: Regina Cardoso, MSc

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 44 minutes


RhD variants - Influence of molecular alterations on serological tests.

Objective: To explore the variants of the RhD phenotype and how molecular alterations affect serological tests. It details types of mutations (deletions, insertions, gene conversions and single nucleotide variants), which can cause changes in RhD protein expression. These changes result in phenotypes such as D negative, Del, weak D and partial D, with different levels of antigenic expression and clinical impact. The importance of genetic and molecular understanding to improve diagnosis and safe transfusions is emphasized. Speaker: Dr. Carine Prisco Arnoni

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 34 minutes


Impact of RhCE variants on routine immunohematology

Objective: RhCE variants can complicate routine serology and require detailed investigation to determine the clinical significance of antibodies. Serological and molecular techniques are essential for the detection and management of RhCE variants. Speaker: Dr. Tatiane Vendrame

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 30 minutes


Strategy for the National Registry of donors of rare phenotype and of interest in transfusion medicine.

Objective: A strategy is described for the creation of a National Registry of Donors with Rare Phenotypes in Mexico, focused on their usefulness in transfusion medicine. It highlights the importance of identifying and registering donors with rare blood groups due to their relevance in critical clinical cases, such as emergency transfusions and hemolytic diseases. It includes statistics on the frequency of blood phenotypes in the Mexican population and clinical cases that illustrate the need for these registries. It also mentions international collaborations and standards, such as those of the International Rare Donor Panel. Speaker: Dr. Héctor Baptista

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 26 minutes


Platelet alloimmunization and representative cases.

Objective: To understand the structure and function of platelets. Review the diagnoses that cause thrombocytopenia. To describe the methods used for the detection and identification of platelet antibodies. Speaker: Marisela G. Marchán, MSc

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 27 minutes


Serology and Molecular to Resolve an ABO Discrepancy.

Objective: Use of serological and molecular techniques to resolve ABO typing discrepancies, specifically in blood donors. It is explained how molecular assays contribute to the resolution of discrepancies and are essential to detect weak ABO subgroups that are not detected by routine serology. Molecular typing is crucial to avoid typing errors and ensure the safety of blood products. Speaker: Lynsi Rahorst, MHPE, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 30 minutes


The use of Anti-CD47 (MAB) has opened a new era in the therapy of cancer and other diseases.

Objective: To describe the interferences of monoclonal treatments, specifically anti-CD47 antibodies, in immunohematologic studies. Anti-CD47 therapy is associated with pan-reactivity in all phases of antibody screening. Management strategies for patients such as performing genotyping or phenotyping studies prior to initiating treatment and providing antigen specific antigen negative units such as D, Kell, Jka are discussed. Speaker: Fernando Martinez, MD, MScPH

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 30 minutes


Generalities in Immunohematology

Objective: To address general concepts in immunohematology, highlighting advances and relevant cases. Included are the use of molecular biology, enhanced hemovigilance, pathogen inactivation, and gene therapy. The importance of transfusion compatibility and a multidisciplinary approach to prevent complications is highlighted. Speaker: Baldomero Castro, MSc.

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 33 minutes


Clinical Importance of Molecular Research in Immunohematology

Objective: The importance of molecular genotyping in clinical immunohematology, in diagnosis, transfusion management, and prevention of alloimmunization. It explores how genotyping techniques, such as next generation sequencing (NGS), overcome the limitations of serological tests, especially in cases of frequent transfusions. Practical examples demonstrate how genotyping improves transfusion compatibility and reduces complications, and the impact of genotyping on improving the safety and efficacy of transfusion medicine is emphasized. Presenter: Lilian Castilho, PhD

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 1 hour 6 minutes


Molecular techniques used to determine blood group alleles.

Objective: Molecular techniques used to determine blood group alleles, emphasizing their application in immunohematology. Techniques such as PCR, PCR-RFLP, next generation sequencing and microarrays are highlighted for their efficiency in identifying clinically relevant alleles and rare variants. The importance of these tools to personalize and optimize transfusion management, promoting greater patient safety, is highlighted. Presenter: Carine Prisco Arnoni

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 1 hour


Antibodies of undetermined specificity

Antibodies of Undetermined Specificity (AUS) are antibodies or reactions that remain unexplained after excluding common antibodies, usually identified in irregular antibody screening (IAP) tests. Identification includes the use of extended phenotyping, different panels and chemical treatments (e.g. chloroquine, enzymes) to clarify specificities, as well as techniques such as adsorption/elution. Presenter: Regina Cardoso , MSc

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 37 minutes


Solid Phase Platelet Crossmatch.

Solid phase platelet crossmatch has an application, methodology and clinical cases of Platelet Refractoriness or inadequate platelet increase after transfusions, usually associated with antibodies against platelet antigens (HLA, HPA). Detection techniques include the use of methods such as flow cytometry, PIFT, MAIPA and solid phase methodology (Capture-P), the latter used to detect antiplatelet antibodies and transfusion compatibility. Examples include strategies for refractory patients, the use of desensitization protocols and slow transfusions of incompatible platelets in critical cases. Presenter: Juliana Pires Marafon Franz, MD, PhD

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 49 minutes


Isohemagglutinin test: validation and management of platelet concentrate transfusions

Isohemagglutinin tests (anti-A and anti-B) are antibodies that can be IgM, IgG or IgA, all of which have significant clinical potential and can cause intra- and extravascular hemolysis. ABO incompatibility (major or minor) can reduce the effectiveness of the transfusion and cause adverse reactions such as acute hemolysis. Practical examples demonstrate the seriousness of incompatible transfusions and the importance of prophylactic strategies. Example of local validation using automation to determine critical titers and define PC selection protocols. Presenter: Ana Paula Rocha Diniz Zanelli

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 50 minutes


The silent clues - How screening saves lives?

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Introduction & importance of Antibody screening
  • Clinical relevance
  • Case-based Learning : Insight from experience

Speakers: Dr Sudha Ranganathan, Consultant & HEAD - Transfusion Medicine Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad- India 

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Platelet Crossmatch

Objective: This article discusses Platelet Crossmatch, an essential method for platelet compatibility in refractory patients. The technique is used to identify compatible platelets in alloimmunized patients. The method is based on the solid phase (Capture-P®), which detects IgG antibodies against platelets. It highlights the importance of standardized methods to improve the management of refractory patients and optimize clinical results. Speaker: Cristina Altobeli de Brito

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 28 minutes


RhD variants: The importance of serological detection to direct molecular research

Objective: To address RhD variants and the importance of their serological detection to guide molecular investigations. It explains how mutations such as SNPs, deletions and gene conversions result in variants such as partial D, weak D and Del. These alterations can cause differences in epitope expression and antisera reactivity. It includes examples of discrepancies in RhD typing and molecular characterization, such as a donor with a CDe haplotype and a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome. The importance of standardized methods and knowledge of variants for safe transfusion practices and accurate diagnoses is reinforced. Speaker: Dr. Tatiane de Paula Vendrame

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese


RhCE variants: how to detect, characterize and define clinical significance

Objective: A study of RhCE variants is presented, covering detection, classification and clinical significance. RhCE variants are detailed as variant proteins due to genetic polymorphisms, which can affect the expression of RhCE antigens such as C, c, E and e. Weakened expression, partial antigens and the absence of high-frequency antigens are mentioned. The need for greater knowledge of these variants to improve transfusions and blood compatibility in chronically transfused patients is emphasized. Speaker: Dr. Carine Prisco Arnoni

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 38 minutes


Platelet Refractoriness

Objective: Platelet refractoriness is addressed, emphasizing its definitions, causes and management strategies. Examples of diagnosis, identification of compatible donors and clinical outcomes of refractory patients are illustrated. Speaker: Juliana Pires Marafon Franz, MD, PhD

  • California, P.A.C.E®
  • 35 minutes


Detection of Irregular Antibodies Using Type and Screen in a Hospital Emergency Center

Objectives: The implementation of the Type and Screen (TAS) protocol in the blood bank of an emergency center in Lima, Peru, is analyzed, highlighting its usefulness for detecting irregular antibodies (Ac) in safe transfusions. The main points are: The Type and Screen Protocol is a method that combines blood typing (ABO/RhD) with irregular antibody screening to predict compatibility before transfusion in a prospective study between 2016 and 2022, where several types of antibodies were detected, the most common being Anti-E, Anti-Dia and autoantibodies. Solid-phase Capture (Immucor) technology was key to identifying these antibodies. Lissette Fernandez

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 32 minutes


Molecular Immunohematology-Relevant Problems

Objective: To review genomic concepts of erythrocyte antigens. The use of immunohematology when patients have been recently transfused, when patients have some antibody to a high or low frequency antigen but no commercial antibody is available, for the management of patients receiving monoclonal therapies, and in prenatal testing to predict hemolytic disease of the newborn. It focuses on the identification of donors with rare blood.

Speaker: Celina Montemayor MD, PhD

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish


ABO Antibody Titration in Donors: A Challenge for Blood Banks

Objectives: The importance of titration of natural anti-A and anti-B antibodies in platelet donors is described, highlighting their relevance in reducing post-transfusion hemolytic reactions.

Orador: Lic. Gisel Aguilar Ocaña

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 37 minutes


Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: Case Report

Objective: The management of patients refractory to platelet transfusions is addressed, highlighting key concepts, etiology and therapeutic strategies. An example of management in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia refractory to transfusions due to anti-HLA antibodies is illustrated, highlighting the importance of specific tests and personalized transfusions. Correct identification of the cause and personalized management are essential to improve outcomes in refractory patients and the need for specific protocols and adequate resources to address this complex condition is emphasized.

Speaker: Mayrin Correa Medina, MD, Ph.D.

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 48 minutes


Management of Patients Refractory to Platelet Transfusion

Objective: Key concepts, etiology and therapeutic strategies for the management of patients refractory to platelet transfusions are highlighted. An example of management in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia refractory to transfusions due to anti-HLA antibodies is illustrated, highlighting the importance of specific tests and personalized transfusions. The need for specific protocols and adequate resources to address this complex condition is emphasized. Correct identification of the cause and personalized management are essential to improve outcomes in refractory patients.

Speaker: Fernando Martinez

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 35 minutes


Hemolytic disease of the newborn due to maternal alloimmunization

Objectives: The paper addresses hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDNB) caused by maternal alloimmunization, exploring various clinical, serological and epidemiological aspects. The importance of population genetics and health systems in the management of this neonatal disease is highlighted. EHRN is preventable and treatable through early diagnosis, proper management of blood incompatibility and immunization programs.

Speaker: Dr. Hector Baptista Gonzalez, MD

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 30 minutes


Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: An unusual case

Objectives: To recognize the serologic presentations of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AHA). To understand the limitations of abbreviated diagnostic assays. Differentiate cold autoantibody reactivity. The study underlines the importance of detailed testing to correctly characterize autoantibodies and properly manage the condition.

Speaker: Lauro E. Guerra, Jr. MLS(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 35 minutes


Molecular typing of blood group genes as a diagnostic aid

Objective: The use of molecular typing of blood group genes as a diagnostic tool and its application in transfusion medicine. It covers the characteristics of erythrocyte antigens, advances in genotyping and sequencing techniques, offering greater precision in the identification of rare variants and molecular compatibility, clinical cases and applications, highlighting the importance of personalized medicine in the transfusion context.

Speaker: Lilian Castilho, PhD

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 52 minutes


Impact of the BeadChip on the identification of RH variants

Objective: To review the impact of the use of the Microarray BeadChip (Immucor) in the identification of variants of the RHD and RHCE genes, highlighting its application in immunohematology and transfusion. The Microarray BeadChip as an efficient, sensitive and essential tool for solving complex immunohematology problems.

Speaker: Tamires Delfino dos Santos

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 24 minutes


Isohemagglutinin test: validation and management of platelet concentrate transfusions

Objective: To present the isohemagglutinin test, addressing its validation and impact on platelet concentrate transfusions. It includes a case of hemolytic reaction associated with incompatible transfusions, highlighting the importance of preventive measures. It presents data on critical titrations, methodologies and guidelines for minimizing risks in transfusions. Speaker: Ana Paula Rocha Diniz Zanelli

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 38 minutes


Special Reagents in Immunohematology

Objective: To review the use of special reagents in immunohematology to solve complex clinical cases such as ABO and RhD group discrepancies, the presence of irregular antibodies and autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHAI), which require complementary diagnostic techniques. List the benefits of special reagents in facilitating laboratory work, standardizing processes, improving diagnostic accuracy and increasing transfusion safety.


  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Portuguese
  • 40 minutes


Subgrupos Sanguíneos: Mito o Realidad

Webinar Objetivos:

Describe las las discrepancias y subgrupos en el sistema sanguíneo ABO, diferenciando entre: Discrepancias ABO cuando hay inconsistencias entre las pruebas de agrupamiento directo e inverso, o entre resultados pasados y actuales. Subgrupos ABO, Representan variantes del sistema ABO con niveles reducidos de antígenos en los glóbulos rojos. Se presentan ejemplos donde discrepancias y anticuerpos inesperados, como anti-A1, resultaron en reacciones transfusionales severas, subrayando la importancia de la tipificación precisa y el manejo adecuado. Importancia clínica, Se enfatiza la necesidad de protocolos robustos y herramientas avanzadas para garantizar la seguridad del paciente.

Orador: Dr. Baldomero Castro

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 1 hour 13 minutes


Los Donantes de Reactivos Son la Clave de la Fabricación

Webinar Objetivos:

Describir la importancia de los donantes de reactivos en la fabricación de reactivos de glóbulos rojos utilizados para pruebas serológicas en laboratorios y bancos de sangre. Explica cómo estos donantes, seleccionados por su fenotipo específico, garantizan la disponibilidad de unidades necesarias para detectar anticuerpos y tipificar sangre de manera precisa. Se aborda los desafíos como la competencia con necesidades transfusionales y requisitos regulatorios internacionales, además de destacar configuraciones como las pruebas Capture® para detección de anticuerpos. También subraya que los donantes de reactivos permiten estabilidad en la producción y evitan retrasos en el suministro de productos esenciales.

Orador: Germán Núñez, MBA

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 55 minutes


Más allá de la prueba de antiglobulina humana positiva

Webinar Objetivo:

Describir las causas y aplicaciones de la prueba de antiglobulina directa (Coombs directo), destacando su relevancia en diagnósticos como anemia hemolítica autoinmune, reacciones transfusionales y enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido. Incluye ejemplos prácticos para analizar casos, como discrepancias ABO madre-bebé, y destaca técnicas como la elución para identificar anticuerpos específicos adheridos a glóbulos rojos.

Orador: Nancy Benitez, MHS(ASCP) SBB

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 50 minutes


Experiencia en la Implementación de un Método de Genotipificación Aplicado a Inmunohematología

Webinar Objectivo:

El uso de la genotipificación como herramienta para resolver casos complejos de inmunohematología. Incluye estudios de caso, como uno de un paciente con anemia de células falciformes que presentó dificultad respiratoria y múltiples complicaciones transfusionales. Se detalla el análisis de genotipos para identificar anticuerpos y antígenos relevantes, así como estrategias específicas como el uso de células seleccionadas y técnicas avanzadas para confirmar la especificidad de los anticuerpos y optimizar las transfusiones.

Oradora: Dra. Paula A. Gaviria García

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 49 minutes

Transplant, Transfusion

BBTS – Werfen Webinar: The Dark Art of Abstracts and Posters

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Join us to learn the best practices for writing abstracts and posters as well as how to do your study or project justice when presenting at a conference.
  • Learn what is and isn't an abstract, and what should an abstract contain.
  • Hear about the importance of posters in academic and professional settings.
  • Learn tips for writing abstracts, creating effective posters, including structure, design and the pitfalls to avoid.

Speakers: Richard Haggas, Director, UK NEQAS Blood Transfusion Laboratory Practice and Alison Hines, Scientific and Clinical Training and Education Manager, NHSBT

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour 6 minutes


Effective and timely management of Platelet Refractoriness

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Explore the basics of  HLA, HPA and tools available
  • Platelet Crossmatching
  • Approach to a case of Platelet Refractoriness

Speakers: Dr Mohit Chowdhry, Sr. consultant & HEAD - Department of transfusion medicine, molecular biology and transplant immunology ; Indraprastha Apollo hospital, New Delhi

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Exploring the Luminex Single Antigen Bead Assay of Two Different Vendors

Webinar Objectives: 

  • MFIs between vendors are not comparable and therefore cutoffs based on the same MFI value cannot be applied to both
  • Aim is to generate a model to determine how MFI values from different vendors behave
  • Establish data-driven, comparable, vendor-specific cutoffs for analyzing big data sets

Speakers: Gonca Karahan, Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Immunology, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour

Transplant, Transfusion

BBTS – Werfen Webinar: CAR-T Cell Therapy

Webinar Objectives: 

  • What is CAR-T, CAR-T current indications and future directions
  • The patient journey through CAR T-cell therapy and complications associated with CAR-T

Speakers: Ceri Jones Haematology Consultant, University Hospital of Wales, Emily John Lead CAR-T Clinical Nurse Specialist, University Hospital of Wales

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Werfen's Global HLA Scientific Symposium 2024 - Day 3

Webinar Objectives: 


  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours


Werfen's Global HLA Scientific Symposium 2024 - Day 2

Webinar Objectives: 

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours


Werfen's Global HLA Scientific Symposium 2024 - Day 1

Webinar Objectives: 


  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours


BBTS – Werfen Webinar: Iron + Patient Blood Management

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Outlining some of the current Iron and PBM activities being used in the UK
  • Highlighting differences in practice when managing paediatrics & adults

Speakers: Dr Paolo Polzella and Dr Anne Kelly

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour 3 minutes

Transfusion, Coagulation

BBTS – Werfen Webinar: The use of viscoelastic testing in goal-directed bleeding management

Webinar Objectives: 

  •  Implementation of goal-directed bleeding management:
    • Coagulation changes during bleeding
    • What is goal directed bleeding management
    • Why bring in viscoelastic testing
    • How do you introduce it
    • Is it effective – impact on blood product usage

Speakers: Kate Maynard, Dr Sam Hird, Dr Amrit Dhadda and Prof Rachel Collis

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour 9 minutes


Virtual HLA Antibody Workshop - March 2024

Webinar Objectives: 

  •  Shared case studies are a learning opportunity for all. Our subject matter experts will be reviewing HLA antibody analysis on the MATCH IT! Antibody software using informative case studies and software tools.

Speakers: Erik Chatroop, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, CHS(ACHI) and Lindsay Murdock, MS, CHT(ABHI), MLS(ASCP)CM

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour

Immucor is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E® & ACHI programs.


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