Unsere Mission bestand schon immer darin, den richtigen Partner zu finden. Mit dem gleichen Fokus passen #SpecializedDiagnostics, Werfen und Omixon perfekt zusammen. Gemeinsam werden wir zu #PoweringPatientCare beitragen.

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Effective and timely management of Platelet Refractoriness

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Explore the basics of  HLA, HPA and tools available
  • Platelet Crossmatching
  • Approach to a case of Platelet Refractoriness

Speakers: Dr Mohit Chowdhry, Sr. consultant & HEAD - Department of transfusion medicine, molecular biology and transplant immunology ; Indraprastha Apollo hospital, New Delhi

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Exploring the Luminex Single Antigen Bead Assay of Two Different Vendors

Webinar Objectives: 

  • MFIs between vendors are not comparable and therefore cutoffs based on the same MFI value cannot be applied to both
  • Aim is to generate a model to determine how MFI values from different vendors behave
  • Establish data-driven, comparable, vendor-specific cutoffs for analyzing big data sets

Speakers: Gonca Karahan, Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Immunology, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour

Transplant, Transfusion

BBTS – Werfen Webinar: CAR-T Cell Therapy

Webinar Objectives: 

  • What is CAR-T, CAR-T current indications and future directions
  • The patient journey through CAR T-cell therapy and complications associated with CAR-T

Speakers: Ceri Jones Haematology Consultant, University Hospital of Wales, Emily John Lead CAR-T Clinical Nurse Specialist, University Hospital of Wales

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Werfen's Global HLA Scientific Symposium 2024 - Day 3

Webinar Objectives: 


  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours


Werfen's Global HLA Scientific Symposium 2024 - Day 2

Webinar Objectives: 

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours


Werfen's Global HLA Scientific Symposium 2024 - Day 1

Webinar Objectives: 


  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours


BBTS – Werfen Webinar: Iron + Patient Blood Management

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Outlining some of the current Iron and PBM activities being used in the UK
  • Highlighting differences in practice when managing paediatrics & adults

Speakers: Dr Paolo Polzella and Dr Anne Kelly

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour 3 minutes

Transfusion, Coagulation

BBTS – Werfen Webinar: The use of viscoelastic testing in goal-directed bleeding management

Webinar Objectives: 

  •  Implementation of goal-directed bleeding management:
    • Coagulation changes during bleeding
    • What is goal directed bleeding management
    • Why bring in viscoelastic testing
    • How do you introduce it
    • Is it effective – impact on blood product usage

Speakers: Kate Maynard, Dr Sam Hird, Dr Amrit Dhadda and Prof Rachel Collis

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour 9 minutes


Virtual HLA Antibody Workshop - March 2024

Webinar Objectives: 

  •  Shared case studies are a learning opportunity for all. Our subject matter experts will be reviewing HLA antibody analysis on the MATCH IT! Antibody software using informative case studies and software tools.

Speakers: Erik Chatroop, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, CHS(ACHI) and Lindsay Murdock, MS, CHT(ABHI), MLS(ASCP)CM

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Workshop: MIA FORA Case Study

Webinar Summary: 

Using informative case studies and software tools, our subject matter experts will be reviewing HLA typing. Learn more about what makes MIA FORA NGS software and assays unique.


Speakers: Amelia Chen

  • ACHI, California, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Workshop: HLA Antibody Case Study

Webinar Summary: 

Our subject matter experts will be reviewing HLA antibody analysis on MATCH IT! Antibody software using informative case studies, software tools, and interactive polls.

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, BS, CHT (ABHI) and Jean L. Heneghan, MS, CHS(ABHI)

  • ACHI, California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Virtual HLA Antibody Workshop

Webinar Objectives: 

  • HLA antibody analysis on MATCH IT! Antibody v1.5.1 software using informative case studies and software tools

Speakers: Lindsay Murdock, MS, CHT(ABHI), MLS(ASCP) CM  and Erik Chatroop, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, CHS(ACHI)

  • Florida, California, ACHI
  • English
  • 1 hour 25 minutes


HLA Lab Management

Webinar Objectives: 

• Writing procedures and work instructions
• Quality managements
• Standards of laboratory practice
• Test performance appraisal and validation

Speaker: Dr. Marco Andreani Ph.D. ; Dr. Walter Herczyk CHS(ACHI) MT (ASCP)

  • ACHI, California, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Clinical Application of HLA Testing

Webinar Objectives:

• Organ transplantation
• Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
• Single donor platelet transfusion for alloimmunized patients
• HLA and disease associations

Speaker: Dr. Sunil Daga MBBS MRCP PhD

  • ACHI, California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Programa Internacional SCAAB 2023

Objetivos del seminario web:

  • Se discutira y revisara como resolver casos complejos e intermedios de aloanticuerpos contra células rojas y plaquetas usando serologia y metodos moleculares,
  • interferencia de tratamientos monoclonales en immunohematologia ,
  • donantes raros y poco comunes

Oradora:  Nancy Benitez;  Claribel Resto; MHSc, MT (ASCP) SBB CM   Baldomero Castro, MD   Lynsi Rahorst, MHPE, MLS(ASCP)SBB Dr.Fernando Martinez, MD, MScP; Section Head and Medical Director Anderson Cancer Center.   Dr. Hector Baptista MD   Marisela Marchan, MSTM , MT (ASCP)SBB

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 4 hours


Global Histocompatibility Scientific Symposium Day 3

Webinar Objectives 

  • Clinical Histocompatibility Testing for Xenotransplantation: What We Have and What We Need
  • Post-transplant Rejection Diagnostics:  a Bermuda Triangle between HLA Specialists, Nephrologists and Pathologists
  • The Next Steps in the Routine Diagnostic Implementation of Non-HLA Antibody Testing
  • The Role of HLA and Non-HLA Antibody Burden in the Outcome of Pediatric Kidney Transplantation

Speakers: Sam Ho, Maarten Naesens, Carrie Butler, Patrizia Comoli

  • ACHI, California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 2 hours 37 minutes


Global Histocompatibility Scientific Symposium Day 2

Webinar Objectives 

  • Unlocking the Power of PIRCHE-II: Exploring the Role of HLA Mismatch in Risk Stratification
  • The Use of PIRCHE in Stem Cell Transplantation
  • The HLA Eplet Registry. New Design, New Tools and Future Directions
  • Shaping the NEXT GENERATION of MATCH IT!® Software

Speakers: Bethany Dale, Meenakshi Singh, Massimo Mangolia, Alisa Rantanen

  • ACHI, California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 2 hours 20 minutes


Global Histocompatibility Scientific Symposium Day 1

Webinar Objectives

  • Best Practices for Antibody Testing
  • Canadian Genome Project
  • Virtual Crossmatch: How and Why?, US Perspective
  • Virtual Crossmatch: How and Why?, Eurotransplant
  • Virtual Crossmatch:  How and Why, Down Under

Speakers: Annette Jackson, Karen Sherwood, Paul Keown, Luis Hidalgo, Cynthia Kramer, Rhonda Holdsworth

  • P.A.C.E®, California, ACHI, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours 33 minutes


Identificazione di percorsi per il trapianto di pazienti sensibilizzati: un panorama in evoluzione

Obiettivi el corso:

  • Nomenclatura
  • Allocazione
  • Post-trapianto

Oratore: Miriam Manook, MBChB, MRCS (Ed), PhD

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • Italian
  • 1 hour 7 minutes


Soluzioni per la gestione dei dati: un valore aggiunto chiave per il tuo laboratorio trasfusionale!

Obiettivi el corso:

  • Getione delle liste di lavoro
  • Gestione dei risultati
  • Gestione dei report
  • Modulo Panel ID
  • Gestione degli archivi

Oratore: Gianni Giuffrè

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Italian
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Trigger per la trasfusione nei neonati

Obiettivi del webinar:

  • Trasfusioni di globuli rossi nei neonati
  • Trasfusioni di piastrine nei neonati


Oratore: Martha Sola-Visner. MD.

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Italian
  • 1 hour 3 minutes


Test dell'emostasi e delle piastrine: risultati di laboratorio che forniscono indicazioni o un approccio cliniche

Obiettivi del webinar:
• Definire risultati di laboratorio di coagulazione normali e anormali.
• Correlare i risultati di laboratorio con segni e sintomi clinici comuni nel paziente.
• Discriminare i risultati di laboratorio delle piastrine normali e anormali.
• Applicare i risultati della coagulazione e dell'ematologia in esempi di casi di studio incentrati sulla gestione di trasfusioni di emoderivati appropriate o interventi medici.


Oratore: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Italian
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Sessione webinar ISHI sugli effetti della variazione del peptide segnale HLA di classe I

Obiettivi el corso:

  • Effetto della variazione del segnale peptide HLA di classe I sull'espressione di HLA-E

Oratore: Miriam Manook, MBChB, MRCS (Ed), PhD



  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • Italian
  • 1 hour 22 minutes


HLA Antibody Detection & Identification

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Sensitivity of antibody detection assays
  • Epitope of structure of HLA gene products
  • Relationships of HLA epitopes and sequence
  •  Analysis of HLA antibodies in patients
  • Dynamics of HLA antibody production

Speaker: Tiffany Bratton, PhD

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®, ACHI
  • English
  • 1 hour


Segundo Día Anual de Educaçao da Lingua Portuguesa

Objetivos do seminário web:

  • Isohemaglutininas e a Transfusao de Plaquetas
  • validação do crossmatch plaquetario por fase sólida para manejo da Refratariedade Plaquetaria.
  • inovações para a identificaçao de anticorpos de especificidade não determinada e as técnicas moleculares na determinação de alelos de grupos.

Orador: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Portuguese
  • 3 hours


Principles of Histocompatibility Antigen Test Methods

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Complement-dependent cytotoxicity assay,
    flow cytometry, & ELISA
  • Complement and antiglobulin reagents Molecular genetics

Speaker: Michael D. Gautreaux, PhD, FACHI

  • ACHI, California, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour 11 minutes


In the Beginning: HLA Basics

Webinar Objectives: 

  • HLA complex & nomenclature
  • Genetics of the HLA complex
  • Physical and antigenic structure & functioning of HLA gene products

Speaker: Gizem Turmer, MD

  • ACHI, California, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour 6 minutes


Identifier les voies d'accès à la transplantation pour les patients sensibilisés : Un parcours en mutation

Objectif du cours:

  • Nomanclature
  • Allocation
  • Post-transplantation

Orateur: Miriam Manook, MBChB, MRCS (Ed), PhD

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • French
  • 1 hour 7 minutes


Webinaire ISHI sur les Effets de la variation du peptide signal HLA de classe I

Objectif du webinaire

  • Effet de la variation du peptide signal HLA de classe I sur l'expression HLA-E


Speaker: Dr. Mary Carrington, Center for Cancer Research, Bethesda, ML

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • French
  • 1 hour 22 minutes


Hémostase et tests plaquettaires : Résultats de laboratoire pour l'orientation des soins cliniques

Objectif du webinaire:
• Définir les résultats normaux et anormaux du laboratoire de coagulation.
• Corréler les résultats de laboratoire avec les signes et symptômes cliniques courants chez le patient.
• Distinguer les résultats normaux et anormaux du laboratoire de plaquettes.
• Appliquer les résultats de la coagulation et de l'hématologie dans des exemples d'études de cas sur la provision de transfusion appropriée de produits sanguins ou d'une intervention médicale.

Orateur: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • French
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Solutions de gestion des données - Une valeur ajoutée essentielle pour votre laboratoire de transfusion de sang!

Objectif du webinaire:

  • Gestion des listes de travail
  • Fgestion des résultats
  • Gestion des rapports
  • Module Panel ID
  • Gestion des archives

Orateur: Gianni Giuffrè

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • French
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Interactive Transfusion Case Study #1

Webinar Objective:

  • LEARNing is fun in a new way when you complete this virtual intensive, transfusion medicine investigation.


  • ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®, California
  • English
  • 1 hour


Interactive Transplant Case Study #1

Webinar Objectives:

  • LEARNing is fun in a new way when you complete this virtual intensive, transplant medicine investigation.
  • ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®, California
  • English
  • 1 hour


Transfusionsauslöser bei Neugeborenen

Zielsetzung des Webinars:

Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Transfusionsmediziner, Transfusionslaborteams und Transfusionsberater, die die Bedürfnisse dieser speziellen Patientengruppe -den Neugeborenen- besser verstehen möchten.

Referentin: Martha Sola-Visner. MD.

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • German
  • 1 hour 3 minutes


Desencadenantes para la transfusión en el recién nacido

Objetivos del seminario web:

Este seminario está dirigido a profesionales de transfusión, equipos de laboratorio de transfusión y consultores de transfusión con ánimo de comprender mejor las necesidades de este grupo especial de pacientes, los recién nacidos.

Oradora: Martha Sola-Visner. MD.

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Spanish
  • 1 hour 3 minutes


Wege zur Transplantation für sensibilisierte Patienten: Es gibt viel Neues

Ziele des Kurses:

  • Nomenklatur
  • Organzuteilung
  • Post-Transplantation

Referent: Miriam Manook, MBChB, MRCS (Ed), PhD

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • German
  • 1 hour 7 minutes


Identificación de vías hacia el trasplante para pacientes sensibilizados: un panorama cambiante

Objetivos del curso:

  • Nomenclatura
  • Asignación
  • Post-trasplante

Oradora: Miriam Manook, MBChB, MRCS (Ed), PhD

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • Spanish
  • 1 hour 7 minutes


ISHI-Webinar über die Auswirkungen von HLA-Klasse-I-Signalpeptid-Variationen

Auswirkung von HLA-Klasse-I-Signalpeptid-Variationen auf die HLA-E-Expression mit Dr. Mary Carrington, Center for Cancer Research, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • German
  • 1 hour 22 minutes


Seminario web de ISHI sobre los efectos de la variación del péptido señal HLA Clase I

Objetivos del seminario web:

  • Efecto de la variación del péptido señal HLA Clase I en la expresión HLA-E 


Oradora: Dra. Mary Carrington, Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Bethesda, ML

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • Spanish
  • 1 hour 22 minutes


Hämostase und Thrombozytentests: Laborergebnisse als Orientierungshilfe für die klinische Versorgung

• Normale und abnormale Ergebnisse des Gerinnungslabors definieren.
• Korrelation der Laborergebnisse mit häufigen klinischen Anzeichen und Symptomen des Patienten.
• Normale und abnormale Thrombozyten-Laborergebnisse unterscheiden.
• Anwendung von Gerinnungs- und Hämatologieergebnissen in Fallstudienbeispielen mit Fokus auf die Bereitstellung einer geeigneten Transfusion von Blutprodukten oder medizinischen Maßnahmen.

Zusammenfassung der Sitzung:
Die Fähigkeit zur Aufrechterhaltung der Hämostase wird im Labor mit Gerinnungs- und Hämatologiemethoden überwacht. In diesem Kurs werden die Labormethoden und Analysen definiert, die bei der Bewertung der Hämostase eines Patienten eingesetzt werden. Es wird erörtert, wie eine normale Hämostase aufrechterhalten wird und welche Maßnahmen bei abnormalen hämostatischen Befunden ergriffen werden können. Die Blutbank oder der Transfusionsdienst helfen bei der Versorgung von Patienten mit abnormalen Hämostase- oder Thrombozytenbefunden durch die rechtzeitige Bereitstellung entsprechender Blutkonserven.

Vortragende: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • German
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Pruebas de Hemostasia y Plaquetas: resultados de laboratorio que brindan orientación o atención clínica

Objetivos del seminario web:

• Definir resultados de laboratorio de coagulación normales y anormales.
• Correlacionar resultados de laboratorio con signos y síntomas clínicos comunes en el paciente.
• Discriminar resultados de laboratorio de plaquetas normales y anormales.
• Aplicar resultados de coagulación y hematología en estudios de casos centrándose en la provisión de transfusión de hemoderivados o intervención médica.


Oradora: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • Spanish
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Datenmanagement-Lösungen - ein wichtiger Mehrwert für Ihr Bluttransfusionslabor!

Lassen Sie uns eine kurze Reise machen durch die Themen

  • Arbeitslisten-Management
  • Ergebnis-Management
  • Bericht-Management
  • Panel ID | Module
  • Archivierung

Seien Sie gespannt, im Bereich des Datenmanagements geschehen aufregende Dinge!

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • German
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Soluciones de gestión de datos: ¡un valor añadido clave para su laboratorio de transfusión de sangre!

Objetivos del seminario web:

  • Gestión de listas de trabajo
  • Gestión de resultados
  • Gestión de informes
  • Panel de identificación | Módulo
  • Gestión de archivos

Oradora: Gianni Giuffrè

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Spanish
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


La trayectoria de la Inmunohematología eritrocitaria y su actualidad por Dra. Lilian Castilho

Objetivos del seminario web:

  •  el desarrollo de la inmunohematología hasta los avances tecnológicos e investigació
  • "genómica" y descubrimiento continuo de grupos sanguíneos

Oradora: Dr. Lilian Castilho

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Spanish
  • 1 hour 28 minutes


TO PIRCHE OR NOT TO PIRCHE: The Immunogenicity Missing Link

Webinar Objectives:

  •  Learn more about PIRCHE
  • How PIRCHE can help you see beyond limits of transplant diagnostics.

Speaker: Massimo Mangiola, Ph.D., A(ACHI)

  • Florida, ACHI, California, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour 4 minutes


ISHI Webinar Series - Clinical Implications of NK cell immunogenetics

Webinar Objecties:

  • Understand the Clinical relevance of NK (natural killer) cells Immunogenetics

Speaker: Dr. Rajalingam Raja, UCSF, USA

  • ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®, California
  • English
  • 1 hour 18 minutes


Data Management solutions - A key value add for your Blood Transfusion lab!

Webinar Objectives:

  • Worklist Management
  • Results Management
  • Report Management
  • Panel ID | Module
  • Archive Management

Speaker:  Gianni Giuffrè

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • English
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Immucor’s Virtual HLA Antibody Workshop

Webinar Objectives:

  • HLA antibody analysis on the NEW MATCH IT! Antibody v1.5 software using informative case studies and software tools

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, BS, CHT (ABHI), Jean L. Heneghan, MS, CHS (ABHI)


  • Florida, California, ACHI
  • 1 hour


ISHI Webinar Session on Effects of HLA Class I Signal peptide variation

Webinar Objective:

  • Effect of HLA Class I Signal Peptide variation on HLA-E Expression 

Speaker: Dr. Mary Carrington, Center for Cancer Research, Bethesda, ML

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • 1 hour 22 minutes


Identifying Pathways to Transplantation for Sensitized Patients: A Changing Landscape

Webinar Objectives:

  • Nomenclature
  • Allocation
  • Post-transplant

Speaker: Miriam Manook, MBChB, MRCS (Ed), PhD

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California, ACHI
  • 1 hour 7 minutes

Immucor is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E® & ACHI programs.