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Proven Sensitivity. Optimized Specificity.

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Capture-R® Ready-ID®, Immucor’s IgG specific technology, provides high sensitivity for clinically significant antibodies, without the noise of IgM antibodies.
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Automated Capture-R® Ready-ID® Benefits

to Use

Take your laboratory to the next level of productivity with Capture-R® Ready-ID® a proven solid phase technology for antibody screening and identification.

Capture’s IgG specific technology provides high sensitivity for clinically significant antibodies, without the noise of IgM antibodies. To improve efficiency, reagent red blood cells are bound to test wells at the time of manufacture so there are no liquid reagent red blood cells to manage.​

High Accuracy.

  • Detect clinically significant antibodies with IgG specific technology - compares to enzyme methods without the added work.1
  • Provides high sensitivity for clinically significant antibodies, without the noise of IgM.
  • Reports describe the use of Werfen products to help mitigate interference with monoclonal antibody therapies.2, 3

Easy to Use.

  • Save time with ready to use reagents.
  • No liquid identification-cells to manage because we use pre-coated antibody screen and identification cells.
  • Less hands-on time with no precision pipetting required.
  • Simplify training with the same methodology and procedures for all assays.

Versatility and Flexibility for Labs of All Sizes.

  • Run a single sample or a full batch.
  • Manual, semi-automated and fully automated scalable solutions.
  • Wide range of assays utilize the same test platform.

Consistent and Accurate Manufacturing.

  • Werfen has a rich supply of donors. Our database of over 10,000 typed donors is utilized to create the best antigen profile on every lot.
  • Our donors are phenotyped by two separate laboratories using unique reagents.
  • We apply our experience with molecular immunohematology (MIH) to enhance the value of our serological products. Each donor’s full antigen profile, including extended antigen typing by PreciseType HEA DNA analysis is provided on the Supplemental Unit Typings (SUT) with each antibody identification panel.

You have multiple options for automated identification of red blood cell antibodies:​​

​Product Description
​Capture-R Ready-ID ​The primary Ready-ID 2x8 strips contain test wells coated with the red cell membranes of 14 O single donors. The donors are selected to possess most of the frequently inherited antigens.
​Capture-R Ready-ID Extend I D positive panel: 2x8 strips contain test wells coated with D-positive red cell membranes of 14 group O single donors.
​Capture-R Ready-ID Extend II ​D negative panel: 2x8 strips contain test wells coated with D-negative red cell membranes of 13 group O single donors and 1 D-positive red cell membrane of a group O single donor.

1 Funato, Y. (2018, March). Scientific Study on Comparison of Column with Enzyme and Capture without Enzyme. Toyonaka, Japan; Toyonaka Hp.

2 Howard-Menk C, Crane JE, Doshi L, Papari M. HU5F9-G4 Monoclonal Anti-CD47 Therapy: A First Experience with Interference in Antibody Identification. Transfusion 2018; 58 [S2]:177A.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

3 De Vooght KMK, Lozano M, Bueno JL, et al. Vox Sanguinis International Forum on typing and matching strategies in patients on anti-CD38 monoclonal therapy: summary. Vox Sanguinis 2018; 113:492-498.

Product offerings may differ by region, please check with your local Werfen representative for regulatory status in your area.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Automated Capture-R® Ready-ID® Downloads

IMM 445 Capture Brochure APR 2019
Capture Brochure
Echo Lumena_ Trifold Single pg Brochure_Updated MAY2019_NAM
Echo Lumena Brochure
IMM 788_NEO-Iris_Brochure_4pg_2016_Final
NEO Iris Brochure
IMM_1647_Brochure-BloodDisorder_2020_OUS FINAL
Blood Disorders Brochure
Maternity Products Brochure
IMM 1601 Monograph AntibodyID 2021 FINAL
RBC Antibody Identification

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Automated Capture-R® Ready-Screen®

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Our facility has a solid organ transplant program and performs a high number of ABO titers. We were performing these titers using manual tube method, which is both time-consuming and highly dependent on using proper technique. We have many generalists rotate through the blood bank. It was difficult for us to maintain competency and consistency performing ABO titers. Automating titers has freed up our techs to perform other tasks as well as give the physician a more accurate and reproducible result.

Alexis Crisp, MLS (ASCP) CMSBB, Blood Bank Supervisor, Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center

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The Immucor team is helpful and knowledgeable. They are always happy to help meet customers' needs and listen to what the hospitals require.

Kerry Dowling, Blood Transfusion Laboratory Manager, Southampton General Hospital University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom

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Having the automated Echo Lumena has impacted our blood bank in many ways. It has freed up our time to accomplish other tasks while testing is running. With the Echo Lumena interfaced to our blood bank software, we were able to eliminate opportunities for clerical errors.

Lisa Knapp, MT(ASCP), Blood Bank Coordinator, Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital

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Immucor products are the only products I know that cover all advanced tests involved in transfusion medicine. Immucor instruments are stable and easy to operate.

Don-Dolcetto Ngilisho, Laboratory Services Officer, Tanzania National Blood Transfusion Service

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The new camera on the Echo Lumena® is giving us such clean, clear results! My staff will feel more comfortable when using the instrument for antibody identification due to the clear reactions.

Kevin Elman, Transfusion Services Coordinator, North Colorado Medical Center, USA

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The efficiency and reliability of the NEO® made it possible for us to automate all type & screen samples on the NEO. With updated hardware and software features on the NEO Iris®, making NEO even better, upgrading was an easy decision.

Raeann Thomas, Blood Bank Technical Supervisor, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, USA

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