Immucor's mission has always been about finding the right match. With the same focus #SpecializedDiagnostics, Werfen and Immucor are the right match. The Immucor team is excited to join Werfen and contribute to #PoweringPatientCare.

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Transfusion Triggers in the Neonate

Webinar Objectives:

This seminar is aimed at Transfusion Practitioners, Transfusion Laboratory Teams and Transfusion Consultants keen to better understand the needs of this special patient group, neonates.

Speaker: Martha Sola-Visner. MD.

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • 1 hour 3 minutes


Adverse Effects of Transfusion: Reaction, Response and Resolutions

Webinar Objectives:
• Organize and categorize transfusion complications given the reported signs and symptoms.
• Discover how laboratory findings correlate with the clinical signs and symptoms of transfusion complications.
• Compare and contrast acute and delayed transfusion reactions.
• Apply how to define the adverse complications of transfusion in example case studies.

Speaker: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • Florida, P.A.C.E®, California, ACHI
  • 1 hour 6 minutes


Immunology, Complement and Genetics: The Backbone of the Blood Bank

Webinar Objectives:
• Distinguish immune response into the action of T Cells and B Cells.
• Recognize the role of immunoglobulins and cells involved in primary and secondary immune response.
• Outline function and process of complement activation in transfusion medicine.
• Demonstrate genetic concepts of blood groups exploring pedigree analysis and population genetics.

Speaker: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • 1 hour


Blood Groups: Common to Confounding Specificities

Webinar Objectives:
• Identify the common blood groups by genetic background, antigen, antibody and clinical significance.
• Discriminate uncommon blood groups by genetic background, antigen, antibody and clinical significance.
• Give examples of unique characteristics of blood groups and how they relate to the clinical outcomes in patients.
• Apply the knowledge of blood groups to provide the most appropriate blood products for transfusion.

Speaker: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • 1 hour 9 minutes


What Blood Bank Tools to Use When and Why: Mastering the Methods

Webinar Objectives:
• Appraise the value of common serologic blood bank methods for the resolution
of serologic blood bank challenges.
• Categorize the methods and tools for atypical serum/plasma challenges compared to red cells challenges.
• Define a systematic approach for ABO discrepancies and atypical antibody detection findings.
• Employ serologic methods in case study examples to demonstrate efficient application.

Speaker:  Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • Florida, P.A.C.E®, California
  • 1 hour


Hemostasis and Platelet Testing: Lab Results Providing Guidance or Clinical Care

Webinar Objectives:
• Define normal and abnormal coagulation lab findings.
• Correlate laboratory results with common clinical signs and symptoms in the patient.
• Discriminate normal and abnormal platelet laboratory results.
• Apply coagulation and hematology results in case study examples focusing on the provision of appropriate
transfusion of blood products or medical intervention.


Speaker: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour 10 minutes


Reflections and Future Directions for Testing in Transplantation: Impacts upon Clinicians and Patient Outcomes

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Clear and Unambiguous Typing Results: MIA FORA NGS Expanded Coverage
  • Anti-HLA Antibody Strength & Crossmatch: Is there a Correlation?
  • Enhancing Antibody Analysis for the Benefit of Patient Outcomes using PIRCHE Technology
  • Where Do We Go from Here? The Present and Future of Non-HLA.

Speakers: Tiffany K Bratton, PhD, DABCC, FAACC, FACHI, Alin Girnita, MD, PhD, D(ACHI), Bethany L. Dale, PhD, Michelle Hickey, PhD, D(ACHI)


  • ACHI, California, Florida
  • 1 hour 40 minutes


Antibody Detection & ID: Patterns, Patience, Precision

Webinar Objectives:
• Explain detection and identification of red cell alloantibodies.
• Explore problem solving techniques including evaluation of the patient’s clinical and transfusion history, autocontrol, DAT and red cell phenotype.
• Define appropriate testing methods for IgM compared to IgG reactive antibodies.
• Apply antibody identification practices in case studies

Speaker: Jayanna Slayten, MS, MT(ASCP)SBBCM

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour 11 minutes


ISHI webinar on HLA-DQ Antibodies in Solid Organ Transplantation

Webinar Objectives:

  • HLA-DQ Antibodies in Solid Organ Transplantation


Speakers: Anat Roitberg-Tambur, DMD, PhD

  • ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®, California
  • English
  • 1 hour

Transfusion, Transplant

Immucor Webinar on Blood Transfusion support during Transplantation

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Pre-Transplant Work up: HLA & Immunohematology Lab
  • Antibody titration
  • Antibody removal: TPE/Plasma-Apheresis
  • Blood Transfusion: Special Blood components
  • Post Transplant: Monitoring of Antibodies (Red cell/ HLA)
  • Rejection: TPE/Plasma-Apheresis

Speakers: Dr. Ankit Mathur

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Imunohematologia Plaquetária

Objetivos do seminário web:

  • validação e conduta nas transfusões de plaquetas
  • Crossmatching plaquetário
  • Refratariedade Plaquetária.

Speakers: Ana Paula Rocha Diniz Zanelli; Cristina Altobeli; Juliana Pires Marafon Franz

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Portuguese
  • 4 hours


Imunohematologia Eritrocitária

Objetivos do seminário web:

  • Reagentes Especiais em Imunohematologia: como usar e qual a importância na resolução de casos clínicos complexos
  • A importância da detecção sorológica para direcionar a investigação molecular
  • Tipagem molecular dos genes de grupos sanguíneos no auxílio diagnostico.

Speakers: Regina Cardoso; Tatiane de Paula Vendrame; Carine Arnoni, Tamires Delfino dos Santos, Lilian Castilho, PhD

  • P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • Portuguese
  • 4 hours


BBTS Webinar - Looking towards the future of care in Haemoglobinopathy patients

Webinar Objectives:

  •  Advances in treatments for patients with Sickle Cell Disease
  •  National Haemoglobinopathy Registry

Speakers: Noemi Roy, Farrukh Shah

  • Florida, California, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


The A to Z of Phenotype: Both Rh and Extended Phenotyping and the Impact on Blood Transfusion

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Prevalence of red cell antigens
  • Prevalence of alloantibodies
  • Role of Prophylactic antigen matched blood in Thalassemia, Sickle Cell disease, AIHA, women in childbearing age, Chronic Renal failure
  • Cost effectiveness

Speaker: Dr. Rajeshwari Basavanna

  • Florida, California, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Self-check II Competency Kit Result Submission

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Immucor is committed to supporting the testing you perform by offering a complete and convenient line of competency testing products – from basic to advanced. Click 'LAUNCH COURSE' below to submit results for Self-check II Competency Kit.


  • P.A.C.E®
  • English


RiSE Competency Kit Result Submission

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Immucor is committed to supporting the testing you perform by offering a complete and convenient line of competency testing products – from basic to advanced.  Click 'LAUNCH COURSE' below to submit results for RiSE Competency Kit.
  • P.A.C.E®
  • English


Gamma® Tech-Chek Competency Kit Result Submission

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Immucor is committed to supporting the testing you perform by offering a complete and convenient line of competency testing products – from basic to advanced.  Click 'LAUNCH COURSE' below to submit results for Gamma® Tech-Chek Competency Kit.
  • P.A.C.E®
  • English


HLA Global Scientific Symposia 2022 - Day 3

Webinar Objectives: 

  • The Eurotransplant Acceptable Mismatch Program
  • How HLA epitope knowledge may benefit highly sensitized patients
  • HLA-specific memory B cells: possible use for delisting and desensitization strategies
  • Highly sensitized patients are disadvantaged by the presence of denatured HLA in Luminex HLA single antigen testing
  • How implementing two SAB vendors can help patients

Speakers: Annette Jackson, Sebastiaan Heidt, Suzanne Bezstarosti, Gonca Karahan, Richard Battle, Alin Girnita 


  • ACHI, California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 2 hours 30 minutes


HLA Global Scientific Symposia 2022 - Day 2

Webinar Objectives: 

  • The Genome Canada Consortium on Precision Medicine in Renal Transplantation
  • The Evolution and Revolution in NGS
  • Getting the basic building blocks rights- The impact of NGS based HLA typing on our clinical practice
  • Definition of immunogenic and non-immunogenic HLA epitopes
  • Updates from the HLA- DQ antibody component of the International Histocompatibility Workshop

Speakers: Paul Keown, Karen Sherwood, Sujatha Krisnakumar, Dolly Rose, Cynthia Kramer, Anat Tambur



  • ACHI, California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 2 hours 30 minutes


HLA Global Scientific Symposia 2022 - Day 1

Webinar Objectives: 

  • What's in your toolbox? Experiences with LIFECODES ID assays
  • What's in your toolbox? Experiences with LIFECODES LSA and C3d assays
  • Non-HLA: A voyage into the unknown
  • Clinical Relevance of Non-HLA Antibody Burden in Kidney Transplantation
  • Non-HLA antibody panel: from bench to bedside

Speakers: Mike Gautreaux, Brett Loehmann, Bryan Ray, Alek Senev, Carrie Butler


  • ACHI, California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 2 hours 30 minutes


Blood on Board! The Evolution and Revolution of Transfusions in the Pre-Hospital Setting

Webinar Objectives:

  • Blood component usage in the pre hospital setting
  • The use of O positive red cells in the pre hospital setting

Speaker: Dr. James Raitt MBChB, FRCEM, FIMC, Kerry Dowling

  • Florida, California, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


ISHI Webinar: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation from Unrelated Donors

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from unrelated donors in Germany
  • Structures, Figures, Matching Guidelines, and Outcomes


Speaker: Dr. Joannis Mytilineos

  • ACHI, California, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


ISHI Webinar: Molecular Histocompatibility & Transplantation

Webinar Objectives: 

  • HLA Matching Paradigms in Allogeneic HSCT


Speaker: Dr. Meenakshi Singh, Advanced center for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer, Navi Mumbai, India

  • ACHI, California, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour

Transfusion, Coagulation

ISBT 2022: Simplifying Complex Patient Cases: Molecular, Platelet & Monoclonal Therapies

Webinar Objectives: 

  • RhD Case Studies: Interpretation and Patient Risks in Transfusions
  • Management of platelet alloimmunization on the Maternity Laboratory
  • The challenging effects of monoclonal antibody therapies on the Transfusion Laboratory

Speakers: Dr Lilian Castilho, PhD, Dr Rachel Petermann, MD, PhD, Julie Staves Manager, Transfusion Laboratory

  • California, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Myeloma Therapy and Blood Bank Testing

Webinar Objectives: 

  • A new front in myeloma therapy and an emerging complication in blood bank testing

Speaker: Dr. Rasika Setia

  • English
  • 1 hour

Transplant, Transfusion

ABO Isoagglutinin Titration- Automated

Webinar Objectives: 

  • A breakthrough in ABO isoagglutinin titration automation: reason to believe & its benefits

Speakers: Dr. Soma Agrawal

  • P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Immucor's Virtual Antibody Workshop_Part 6

Webinar Objectives:

  • Overview of single antigen analysis technology
  • Walk through of an interactive case study

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, Jean L. Heneghan

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


COVID-19 & Convalescent Plasma

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Methods to obtain access to CCP
  • NYC & the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • CUIMC CCP Clinical Trials
  • Impacts on Transfusion Service operations

Speakers: Joseph (Yossi) Schwarts

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


It’s an ’Antibody Detection Test’, my Dear Watson

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Seeing antibody detection through the lense of Sherlock Holmes

Speaker: Dawn M. Rumsey

  • Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Platelet Refractory Patients with Margaret A. Keller, PhD

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Review platelet refractoriness and fetal neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
  • Describe how serologic testing can aid clinical management and selection of blood products
  • Describe how HPA genotyping can be helpful in different diagnosis of FNAIT
  • Describe how platelet donors are screened to identify how whose platelet products may be useful for HPA aluminized patients
  • Use cases to illustrate these points

Speaker: Margaret A. Keller, PhD

  • Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour


Identification & Management of Patients with Weak D & Partial D Phenotype

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Serological weak D phenotypes to RHD genotyping: How will I know?

Speaker: Susan T. Johnson 

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 50 minutes


Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) and ADAMTS13 Testing

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Pathophysiology of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
  • Laboratory characteristics of various ADAMTS13 tests
  • Clinical applications of ADAMTS13 testing in diagnostics and management of patients with TTP

Speaker: Dong Chen MD PhD

  • Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


#ASHI21 Lunch Symposium REPLAY: New Frontiers in Transplant Diagnostics

Webinar Objectives:

  • Advantages of Multi-Assay Analysis: Resolving Discrepancies between Solid Phase Immunoassays
  • Non-HLA antibody panel discovery, development, and validation: From bench to bedside
  • Redesigning HLA Compatibility: Does it work and are we ready?

Speaker: Julie Houp, MS CHS  Carrie L. Butler, Ph.D.  Massimo Mangiola, Ph.D. D(ACHI)

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 50 minutes


Immucor's Virtual Antibody Workshop_Part 5

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Overview of single antigen analysis technology
  • Walk through of an interactive case study

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, Jean L. Heneghan

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, California, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Immucor's Virtual Antibody Workshop_Part 4

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Overview of single antigen analysis technology
  • Walk through of an interactive case study

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, Jean L. Heneghan

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida, California
  • English
  • 1 hour


HLA Scientific Symposium 2021, Day 1

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Transplanting sensitized candidates: new options for overcoming DSA barriers

Speaker: Annette Jackson

  • ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 2 hours 30 minutes


HLA Scientific Symposium 2021, Day 2

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Diagnosis of antibody-meditated rejection in 2021: antibodies, biopsies, and molecules

Speaker: Michael Mengel

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 2 hours 30 minutes


Lab Week 2021: Transplant Quick P.I.C.s

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Lab week Case Studies with Lifecodes LSA

Speaker: Dave Pinelli 

  • ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


International HLA Scientific Symposium '20, Day 1: NGS and Non-HLA Antibodies

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Next generation Sequencing: Now and the Future
  • Comparison of automated HLA typings 11 loci with the Mflex techniques vs 11 Flex techniques
  • Non-HLA antibodies time for the challenge in solid organ transplantation
  • Immucor's Non-HLA Antibody Assay Expands

Speakers: Michael Solomon, Odile Avinens, David Sansegundo Arribas, Bryan Ray

  • English
  • 2 hours


International HLA Scientific Symposium '20, Day 2: HLA Antibody Testing Capabilities

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Immucor Lifescreen Deluxe and Lifecodes Single Antigen, Milano San Raffaele experience

Speaker: Dr. Benedetta Mazzi

  • English
  • 2 hours


International HLA Scientific Symposium '20, Day 3: Epitope Matching

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Impact of Covid-19 on solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  • Impact of Covid-19 on HLA laboratory
  • Immune profiling of Covid-19 patients and implication in transplantation
  • HLA association with Covid-19

Speaker: Rajalingam Raja Ph.D, FRCP, D(ABHI)

  • English
  • 2 hours


Immucor’s Virtual Antibody Workshop_Part 1

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Overview of single antigen analysis technology
  • Walk through of an interactive case study

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, Jean L. Heneghan

  • ACHI, Florida
  • English
  • 50 minutes


Immucor’s Virtual Antibody Workshop_Part 2

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Overview of single antigen analysis technology
  • Walk through of an interactive case study

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, Jean L. Heneghan

  • ACHI, Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Immucor's Virtual Antibody Workshop_Part 3

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Overview of single antigen analysis technology
  • Walk through of an interactive case study

Speakers: K. Kelly Cousins, Jean L. Heneghan

  • ACHI
  • English
  • 1 hour

Daratumumab and anti-CD38 therapy: a new front in myeloma therapy

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Daratumumab and anti-CD38 therapy: a new front in myeloma therapy and emerging complication in blood bank testing

Speakers: Janis Hamilton, Dr. Carlos Villa

  • English
  • 2 hours

Anti-CD47 y su impacto en la inmunohematología

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Anti-CD47 y su impacto en las pruebas inmunohematologicas

Speaker: Alexander Pajares

  • Spanish
  • 1 hour


Antigens & Antibodies

Webinar Objectives:

  • Describe the relationship between Ren Blood cell antigens and their corresponding antibodies
  • Learn about genes, antigens, and antibodies and how they are arranged in each system

Speaker: N/A

  • Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 50 minutes


Autoimmunhemolytic Anemia

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Review the Serologic Presentation
  •  Discuss Adsorption Procedures
  • How to differentiate WAIHA from Drug-Induced Hemolytic

Speaker: Sue Johnson MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBB

  • Florida
  • English
  • 1 hour


Detección de aloanticuerpos de baja frequencia

Objetivos del seminario web: 

  • Definición Antígenos de Baja Frequencia (ABF)
  • ¿Porqué estudiar los anticuerpos contra ABF?
  • Dificultades en el estudio de ABF

Oradora: Dra. María Antonieta Nuñez

  • Spanish
  • 1 hour


Detecting Clinically Significant Antibodies: IgM vs IgG

Webinar Objectives: 

  • Discuss antibody development as part of the immune system
  • Compare and contrast IgM and IgG class antibodies
  • Examine reactivity of IgM and IgG class antibodies in common antibody detection methodologies
  • Review publications on clinical significance of IgM and IgG class antibodies

Speaker: Tricia Sanders

  • Florida, P.A.C.E®
  • English
  • 1 hour

Immucor is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E® & ACHI programs.


3130 Gateway Drive, P.O. Box 5625, Norcross, GA 30091-5625

Call 855-466-8267