Electronic certificates are available immediately after course completion.
RHD Symposium
Webinar Objectives:
- Describe basic RHD genetics & biochemistry
- Discuss the complexity in the determining RhD antigen status in individuals with a serologic weak D phenotype
- List current recommendations from the participants of the AABB/CAP 2015 working party
Speaker: Sue Johnson MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBB
- P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour 30 minutes

RhD Molecular Testing featuring Joann Moulds, PhD
Webinar Objectives:
- History of RH
- Nomenclature: Who is right, Who is wrong?
- Lack of RH Gene Expression
- RhD Negative Genotypes in Blacks
- Weak D Polymorphism
- Clinical Considerations for Partial D
Speaker: Joann Moulds, PhD
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Le système RH : le gène RHD – Partie II, Présentation de cas pratiques
Objectif du webinaire:
- Rappel Système RH- Variants
- Techniques D'explorations
- Cas pratiques
Orateur: Dr. LAGET Laurine
- French
- 1 hour

Le système RH: le gène RHD
Objectif du webinaire:
- Presentation du Système RH
- Haplotypes et Fréquences alléliques
- Variants RHD
Orateur: Dr. Laget & Dr. Izard
- French
- 1 hour

All ABOut Blood Types with LeeAnn Walker, MEd, MT(ASCP)SBB
Webinar Objectives:
- Identify the genetic mechanism for the inheritance of the ABH blood group antigen, including the Bombay phenotype
- Differentiate the transferases and biochemical structures of the ABH antigens
- Evaluate the characteristics of and relationship between antigens and antibodies in the ABO system
- Identify lectin reagents that show ABO blood groups specifically
- Assess the effects of disease and age on production of ABO antigens and antibodies
- Classify the A and B antigens into subgroups, including serologic characteristics, number of antigen site and frequency in the population
Speaker: LeeAnn Walker, MEd, MT(ASCP)SBB
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Antibody Detection Testing: What? When? Why?
Webinar Objectives:
- Discuss the purpose of antibody detection testing and techniques.
- Examine reagents used in antibody detection and crossmatch including potentiators and reagent red blood cells.
- Compare antibody detection testing to crossmatch testing
Speaker: Tricia Sanders
- P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Antibody Identification: Rule Out – Rule In - Ruler!
Webinar Objectives:
- Explain the fundamental principles of evaluating reactivity in antibody identification studies
- Understand the differences in ruling-in antibodies (specifically conformation) and ruling-out antibodies (antibody exclusion)
- Perform uncomplicated antibody exclusions and comfirmation
- Discuss exceptions in and limitations of antibody exclusion rules
Speaker: Jan Hamilton MS,MT(ASCP)SBB
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

DAT, Auto Controls & Eluates: They are Not Just for the Reference Lab
Webinar Objectives:
- Compare and contrast the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) and direct antiglobulin test (DAT)
- DAT reagents
- Possible causes of a positive DAT
- Elution types with application (Lui, Acid)
Speaker: Jay Slayten MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

From C to e & the Rhs in Between with Margaret A. Keller, PhD.
Webinar Objectives:
- Review the Rh proteins and Rh genes
- Review Rh terminology
- Illustrate the challenges of serologic Rh antigen typings and how molecular methods can help
- Discuss the AABB recommendations regarding use of RHD genotyping to resolve serologic weak D phenotype
- Use cases to illustrate how RHD genotyping can aid in determination of risk of alloimmunization
- Demonstrate how RH allele matching can be used to find compatible blood for a patient with an antibody to a high prevalence of RH antigen
Speaker: Margaret A. Keller, PhD.
- P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Blood Donation and Component Preparation with Heather Vaught, BS, MLS(ASCP)CM SBB
Webinar Objectives:
- Describe the process for collection of whole blood and apheresis components
- Describe the process for manufacturing components from whole blood
- Define the storage intervals for transfusable blood components
- Describe the process for perioperative blood salvage
Speaker: Heather Vaught, BS, MLS(ASCP)CM SBB
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Liquid Gold: Platelet Testing with Ralph R. Vassallo, MD, FACP
Webinar Objectives:
- Review shared and unique antigen present on platelets
- Discuss antigen typing & antibody screening/identification
- Touch on disease-specific testing and management strategies
Speaker: Ralph R. Vassallo, MD, FACP
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

The Jolly Blood Banker and “Other” Blood Groups with Jill Storry, PhD
Webinar Objectives:
- Discuss MNS, Kell, Lewis, Duffy and Kidd blood systems
- Discuss JK alleles that encode weak antigen expression
Speaker: Jill Storry, PhD
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

The Wide Array of Potentiators with Rebecca Coward MT(ASCP) SBB
Webinar Objectives:
- How Potentiators work
- IgM vs IgG antibodies
- Antibody Detection Test (IAT)
- Chemical treatment of Red Blood Cells
- W.A.R.M. TM Immucor
- Column Agglutination Testing
- Solid Phase Red Cell Adherence
- The wide array of Potentiators: How to choose and apply
Speaker: Rebecca Coward MT(ASCP) SBB
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Introduction to Capture
Webinar Objectives:
- Define solid phase technology
- Recall the steps for processing a capture Assay
- Interpret Capture results
- Identify the Capture products offered by Immucor
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 20 minutes

Capture Strips
Webinar Objectives:
- Identify the Capture Strips and Plates
- Define how these strips and plates are used in Capture testing
- P.A.C.E®
- English
- 30 minutes

Capture Reagents
Webinar Objectives:
- Identify Capture Reagents
- Define purpose of Capture Reagents
- P.A.C.E®
- English
- 30 minutes

COVID-19 & Convalescent Plasma
Webinar Objectives:
- Background
- Methods to obtain access for CCP
- NYC & the Covid-19 Pandemic
- CUIMC CCP clinical trials
- Impact on transfusion service operations
Speaker: Joseph Schwartz
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

Donaciones voluntarias de sangre durante tiempos del COVID experiencias de Argentina Peru Colombia
Objetivos del seminario web:
- El Objectivo principal de la donaión de sangre es seguir manteniendo stock de hemocomponentes con donaciones de sangre de personas altruistas, para tener una sociedad saludable y con cultra de donaión
Oradora: Dr. Juan Zebieta Cabanillas
- Spanish
- 1 hour

Transfusion Reaction: What? How? What Now?, Part I with Margo R Rollins, MD
Webinar Objectives:
- Define and categorize transfusion reactions
- Describe clinical manifestations of specific transfusion reactions
- Discuss patient evaluation and management when transfusion reactions is suspected
Speaker: Margo R Rollins, MD
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Transfusion Reaction: What? How? What Now?, Part 2 with Margo R Rollins, MD
Webinar Objectives:
- Define and categorize transfusion reactions
- Describe clinical manifestations of specific transfusion reactions
- Discuss patient evaluation and management when transfusion reactions is suspected
Speaker: Margo R Rollins, MD
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

Management of TRALI
Webinar Objectives:
- Define transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and the role of HLA antibodies in TRALI
- Describe the properties of HLA antibodies and how these properties are incorporated into TRALI mitigated strategies
- Review the incidence, potential causes, and differential diagnosis of TRALI
- Discuss the current AABB standards and recommendations related to the prevention, reduction, and investigation of TRALI
- Discuss HLA Antibody testing methods and TRALI reduction program at Rhode Island Blood Center
Speakers: Dr. Massimo Mangiola Christine Beritela, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
- English
- 1 hour 30 minutes

Crossmatch Test
Webinar Objectives:
- Define Pretransfusion Testing
- Recognize the Pretransfusion Processing Steps
- Identify the Purpose of the Crossmatch Test
- Recognize Characteristics of Serologic and Computer Crossmatch Methoids
- P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

Direct Antiglobulin Test
Webinar Objectives:
- Define Direct Antiglobulin Tests (DATs)
- Recognize Applications of the DAT
- Identify Reagents used in the DAT
- Interpret DAT Results
- P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

Introduction to Blood Banking
Webinar Objectives:
- Hospitals and Blood Donar systems
- Blood Banks and Blood Transfusion
- Patient testing in Blood Banks
- Safe Blood Transfusion
- Blood Collection
- P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 30 minutes

ISBT 2021: Strategic Partner for the Daily Challenges in the Clinical Laboratory
Webinar Objectives:
- Background
- Transfusion Service Activity
- Evolution in Technology
- ABO titration for IgM Anti-A & Anti-B in full automation
- Platelet Deficiency - HIT
- Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia
Speaker: Susanna Bresciani Silvia Ferrari
- English
- 37 minutes

Reaching for the Future in Transfusion Medicine with Education: Lab Week '20
Webinar Objectives:
- Importance and significance in continuing education initiatives within the blood banking community
Speaker: Jay Slayten MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Red Blood Cells
Webinar Objectives:
- What is and Red Blood Cell (RBC) and What is its importance
- RBC Critical Functions
- RBC Lifecycle and Membrane Structure
- Antigens on Membrane Surface
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 50 minutes

Sensitive or Resistant: Let's Talk about Enzymes
Webinar Objectives:
- Describe the functions of enzymes on red blood cells
- Compare enzyme treatment to chemical treatment
- Discuss the use of enzyme treated red blood cells in antibody detection and identification pathways
Speaker: Tricia Sanders
- Florida, P.A.C.E®, California
- English
- 1 hour

Uso de Type & Screen en un Laboratorio de Emergencias por Lizette Fernandez MPH
Objetivos del seminario web:
- Identification
- Protocolo Type and Screen
- Procesamiento
Oradora: Lizette Fernandez
- Spanish
- 1 hour

Justice League Takes on Immunohematology Case Studies
Webinar Objectives:
- Discuss and interpret interactive immunohematology case studies
Speaker: Monica Kalvelage
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

ISHI Webinar: Impact of NGS Based HLA Typing in the Transplantation of Solid Organs and Disease Associations
Webinar Objectives:
- Brief review of the technology and its key characteristics
- The significant impact of HLA Typing by NGS by solid organ transplantation
- Explain limitations of the current technologies utilized in the clinical labs and how Nanopore sequencing may provide a better solution
- Present data showing the informative application of NGS for a more complete assessment of the role of HLA genomic polymorphisms in disease association studies
Speaker: Dimitri Monos Ph.D.
- English
- 1 hour 15 minutes

ISHI Webinar: Improving Organ Donation in India
Webinar Objectives:
- Ethical issues on the way to self sufficiency: How to improve organ transplantation in India
Speaker: Vivik Kute
- English
- 1 hour 15 minutes

ISHI Webinar: Treatment of Late Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Webinar Objectives:
- Discussion of treatment of late antibody-meditated rejection
Speaker: Georg Böhmig
- English
- 1 hour 15 minutes

ISHI Webinar: Mismatches and acceptable antibodies in kidney transplantation
Webinar Objectives
- Unfavorable mismatches and acceptable antibodies in kidney transplantation
Speaker: Rajalingam Raja
- English
- 1 hour

ISHI Webinar: Clinical Utility of Pharmacogenomics: The Coming Age of Precision Transplantation
Webinar Objectives:
- Background
- Pharmacogenomics (PGx) as a tool for precision medicine (PM) in solid organ & hemopoietic cell transplantation
- PGx testing in other specialties
- Direct-to-customer PGx testing
- Overcoming barriers to implementing PGx testing
Speaker: Medhat Askar
- English
- 1 hour

ISHI Webinar: Effects of HLA Antibodies on Endothelial Cells: Mechanisms of Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Webinar Objectives:
- Main Mechanisms
- Clinical and histological manifestations
- Role in diagnostics
- Immunopathological mechanisms and experimental elements
- Current and emerging therapies
Speaker: Nicole M Valenzuela
- English
- 1 hour 15 minutes

New Frontiers in Epitope Matching with PIRCHE
Webinar Objectives:
- Long- and Short-term effects
- How PIRCHE enhances antibody diagnostics
- PIRCHE walk through
Speaker: Matthias Niemann
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

An Introduction to PIRCHE in Solid Organ Transplantation
Webinar Objectives:
- Podcast style presentation with PIRCHE experts analyzing new frontiers in epitope matching
Speaker: Martha Deconinck Matthias Niemann Timothy Boadi
- Florida, P.A.C.E®, ACHI
- English
- 1 hour

Workload Reduction in the Transfusion Service due to the Implementation of PreciseType™
Webinar Objectives:
- Review the scope of BeadChip PreciseType@ testing
- Discuss published indications for RBC genotyping in patients
- Describe Northwestern Memorial Hospital approach
- Examine benefits of DNA phenotyping in subsequent workups
- Discuss questions and comments
Speaker: Glenn Ramsey
- P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Understanding the Benefits of Molecular Testing in Multiply Transfused Patients
Webinar Objectives:
- Review RBC alloimmunization persistence despite advances in serologic testing
- Discuss limitations of serological testing
- PreciseType@ HEA RBC genetic testing helps overcome these limitations
- Clinical applications
- Questions and Answers
Speaker: Cassandra Josephson
- P.A.C.E®
- English
- 35 minutes

Molecular Testing in the Blood Bank: Case Studies & Reimbursement Testimonial
Webinar Objectives:
- Describe the application of molecular testing in the hospital donor center and transfusion service
- Discuss the impact of molecular testing on serologic antibody identification workups through case studies
- List the benefits of leveraging software to simultaniously view serology and molecular testing
Speakers: Jessie Singer MT (ASCP) Cassandra Josephson MD
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

Genotipificación y su Aplicación en la Medicina Transfusional por Maria Antonieta Nunez PhD
Objetivos del seminario web:
- Genotipificación y su Aplicación en la Medicina Transfusional
Oradora: Maria Antonieta Nunez PhD
- Spanish
- 1 hour

Advanced Antibody Work-Up Techniques: MMA & Molecular Testing
Webinar Objectives:
- Define Monocyte Monolayer Assay (MMA) and determine when it should be considered
- Understand the role of molecular testing in the blood bank
- Evaluate the application of MMA and molecular testing using a case study approach
Speaker: Katrina Bilingsley
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

Benefits of Blood Group Genotyping in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia & Hgb S Screening of Blood Donors
Webinar Objectives:
- Brazilian experience and clinical benefits of blood group genotyping in patents with SCD and thalassemia
- Molecular matching
- RH genotyping in patients with SCD and donors
Speaker: Connie Westhoff, PhD
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour

La prise en charge transfusionnelle chez les patients drépanocytaires
Objectif du webinaire:
- Les syndromes drépanocytaires
- Diagnostic Biologique
- Complications
- et plus encore
Orateur: Dr. C. Chabrieres
- French
- 1 hour

Sickle Cell: In the Transfusion Service & In Real Life
Webinar Objectives:
- Introduction to Blood Bank basics
- Discuss limitations of serologic phenotyping
- Description of RBC molecular typing and potential advantages over serologic typing
- Application of RBC molecular typing
Speaker: Ross M Fasano
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part 4: Optimization of HLA Antibody Testing
Webinar Objectives:
- Optimization of HLA antibody testing
- Rapid Optimized Single Antigen Bead (ROB) protocol for LABscreen (Human Immunology 2017)
- Enhanced ROB protocols for LIFECODES LSA
- Development of a novel, prozone-resistant Dual Antibody Rapid Test (DART) protocol for LABscreen (ASHI Quarterly 2017)
Speaker: Robert Liwski
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part 3: Testing for HLA Antibodies: with Dr. Michael Gautreaux
Webinar Objectives:
- Basis of Antibody testing
- ASHI scoring system
- Assay Classification
- Luminex summary
Speaker: Dr. Michael Gautreaux
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part 2: Conquering the Prozone Effect
Webinar Objectives:
- SAB Assay
- Complement blocking
- HLA antibody specificity analysis
Speaker: Dr. Richard Battle
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour

LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part I: Lowering the Denatured Antigen Barrier
Webinar Objectives
- Challenges with single antigen testing
- HLA Class I Structural Variants - "Denatured Antigens"
- Conclusions from in-house studies
- Best practices in single antigen testing
Speaker: Bryan Ray
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour

Immucor is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E® & ACHI programs.