Electronic certificates are available immediately after course completion.
Genotipificación y su Aplicación en la Medicina Transfusional por Maria Antonieta Nunez PhD
Objetivos del seminario web:
- Genotipificación y su Aplicación en la Medicina Transfusional
Oradora: Maria Antonieta Nunez PhD
- Spanish
- 1 hour
Advanced Antibody Work-Up Techniques: MMA & Molecular Testing
Webinar Objectives:
- Define Monocyte Monolayer Assay (MMA) and determine when it should be considered
- Understand the role of molecular testing in the blood bank
- Evaluate the application of MMA and molecular testing using a case study approach
Speaker: Katrina Bilingsley
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Benefits of Blood Group Genotyping in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia & Hgb S Screening of Blood Donors
Webinar Objectives:
- Brazilian experience and clinical benefits of blood group genotyping in patents with SCD and thalassemia
- Molecular matching
- RH genotyping in patients with SCD and donors
Speaker: Connie Westhoff, PhD
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour
La prise en charge transfusionnelle chez les patients drépanocytaires
Objectif du webinaire:
- Les syndromes drépanocytaires
- Diagnostic Biologique
- Complications
- et plus encore
Orateur: Dr. C. Chabrieres
- French
- 1 hour
Sickle Cell: In the Transfusion Service & In Real Life
Webinar Objectives:
- Introduction to Blood Bank basics
- Discuss limitations of serologic phenotyping
- Description of RBC molecular typing and potential advantages over serologic typing
- Application of RBC molecular typing
Speaker: Ross M Fasano
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part 4: Optimization of HLA Antibody Testing
Webinar Objectives:
- Optimization of HLA antibody testing
- Rapid Optimized Single Antigen Bead (ROB) protocol for LABscreen (Human Immunology 2017)
- Enhanced ROB protocols for LIFECODES LSA
- Development of a novel, prozone-resistant Dual Antibody Rapid Test (DART) protocol for LABscreen (ASHI Quarterly 2017)
Speaker: Robert Liwski
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part 3: Testing for HLA Antibodies: with Dr. Michael Gautreaux
Webinar Objectives:
- Basis of Antibody testing
- ASHI scoring system
- Assay Classification
- Luminex summary
Speaker: Dr. Michael Gautreaux
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part 2: Conquering the Prozone Effect
Webinar Objectives:
- SAB Assay
- Complement blocking
- HLA antibody specificity analysis
Speaker: Dr. Richard Battle
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
LIFECODES Single Antigen - Part I: Lowering the Denatured Antigen Barrier
Webinar Objectives
- Challenges with single antigen testing
- HLA Class I Structural Variants - "Denatured Antigens"
- Conclusions from in-house studies
- Best practices in single antigen testing
Speaker: Bryan Ray
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
HLA NGS 101 & NGS: The Customer Perspective
Webinar Objectives:
- Comparison of current HLA typing methods
- Different HLA NGS manufacturers
- Workflow estimates
- Explanation of clinical runs
Speakers: Masako Osada, Ph.D. & ReaAnna Neville CHT(ABHI)
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
NGS and New Alleles: Now What?
Webinar Objectives:
- HLA DNA bilble
- NGS definition, key terms, and general workflow
- Databank submission
Speakers: Michael D. Gautreaux Kelly J. Ingram David F Kiger
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
HLA Scientific Symposium 2020, Day 1
Webinar Objectives:
- Recent product releases
- Product Roadmap
- Future Product Developments
Speakers: Martha Deconinck Benedetta Mazzi
- Florida, ACHI
- English
- 2 hours
HLA Scientific Symposium 2020, Day 2
Webinar Objectives:
- Bridging the GAP with LIFECODES Single Antigen Class I & Class II
- Frontiers of Epitope Matching
Speakers: Siva Kanangat, Ph.D., D (ABHI) David Pinelli, PhD Peter Nickerson, MD, FRCP
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 2 hours
HLA Scientific Symposium '20, Day 3: COVID-19 Crisis Impact to Transplantation Across the USA
Webinar Objectives:
- Impact of Covid-19 on solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- Impact of Covid-19 on HLA laboratory
- Immune profiling of Covid-19 patients and implication in transplantation
- HLA association with Covid-19
Speaker: Rajalingam Raja
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
HLA Depot: What's in Your Toolbox?
Webinar Objectives:
- Evolution of HLA typing
- Single antigen bead tools
- Epitope tools
- Case Studies
Speaker: Anne Halpin Esmé Dijke
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Les Bases en HLA
Objectif du webinaire:
- Les Système HLA
- Fonctions des molecules HLA
- Nomenclature HLA
- Sequencage NGS
Orateur: Valérie Dubois
- French
- 45 minutes
Les solutions Immucor en Immuno-Hematologie: NEO Iris, Echo Lumena, Capture
Objectif du webinaire:
- Les solutions Immucor en Immuno-Hematologie: NEO Iris, Echo Lumena, Capture
- French
- 1 hour
Module 1: Pre-Transplant Immunological workup for Solid Organ Transplants
Webinar Objectives:
- Compare and contract kidney transplant (Ktx) in the USA and India
- Testing performed at UCSF for KTx
- Protocol used at UCSF for KTx
- Testing Details
- Optimal protocol for KTx in India
Speaker: Rajalingam Raja Ph.D.
- P.A.C.E®, ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Module 2: Pre-Transplant Immunological workup for Bone Marrow Transplants
Webinar Objectives:
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell transplantation
- Serological Typing
- HLA Allele assignment
- Alternate donor
- Stem Cell transplantation challenges in India
Speaker: Dr. Uma Kanga
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
Module 3: Is Virtual XMatch Better Than Real?
Webinar Objectives:
- History of crossmatches in transplantation
- Review of current crossmatch methods
- Advantages and disadvantages of actual crossmatches
- Advantages and disadvantages of virtual crossmatches
- Understand the limitations of both types of crossmatches
Speaker: Luis G. Hidalgo
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Module 4: Histocompatibility testing: From antigens towards epitopes
Webinar Objectives:
- History of HLA matching
- HLA matching benefits patient survival
- How to distinguish immunogenic and nonimmunogenic HLA mismatches
- Problem for the Hyperimmunized patient
Speaker: Frans Claas
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
Module 5: Post Haematopoetic Stem Cell Transplant Chimerism Testing & Engraftment Monitoring
Webinar Objectives:
- The process of stem cell transplantation
- Chimerism definition, examples, and analysis
Speaker: Dr. Anil Handoo
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
Module 6: Donor Selection for Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Webinar Objectives:
- HLA Typing
- Antigen and Alleles
- Transplantation
Speaker: Dr. Deborah Sage
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
Module 7: NGS in the Transplant Setting
Webinar Objectives:
- Decision process to advocate for NGS
- Lab Planning
- Test Validation
- Implementation into clinical practice
- Reporting out NGS data
- Areas where NGS can help an HLA lab in solid organ translantation
Speaker: Peter Jindra
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
Module 8: The Role of MIC A Antibodies in Renal Transplant
Webinar Objectives:
- MIC Overview
- Role of non HLA antibodies in renal transplant
- Pathogenesis
- Early Studies
- Significance of pre Tx MICA
- Significance of post Tx MICA
- Mechanism of antibody formation
- Our study
Speaker: Dr. Mohit Chowdhry
- ACHI, Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
Module 9: Post-Transplant Immune Monitoring
Webinar Objectives:
- Using precision medicine initiative to improve kidney transplantation
Speaker: Maarten Naesens MD PhD
- Florida, ACHI
- English
- 1 hour
ImmuLINK : For Laboratories of All Sizes
Webinar Objectives:
- Echo improvements and their benefits
- ImmuLINK
Speaker: Nancy Harrison
- Florida
- English
- 1 hour
ImmuLINK® 2.1 Vorstellung
Zielsetzung des Webinars:
- Einführung
- Funktionen
- Praxisbeispiele
- German
- 45 minutes
Running a Remote Transfusion Service
Webinar Objectives:
- ImmuLINK function and capabilities
- Hamilton Regional Library medicine program
- CoLabs and ImmuLINK
Speaker: Sandra Fazari MLT, BSC, MBA
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
The Future is HERE: Autoverification in Transfusion Service
Webinar Objectives:
- ImmuLINK background
- ImmuLINK demonstration
Speaker: Giuffre Gianni
- ACHI, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Towards Epitope Matching in Kidney Transplantation
Webinar Objectives:
- B-cell epitope in Kidney transplantation
- T-cell epitope in Kidney transplantation
Speakers: Sebastiaan Heidt Eric Spierings
- Florida, ACHI, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 50 minutes
ABO Blood Groups
Webinar Objectives:
- ABO Blood group systems
- How does FDA impact ABO Blood groups
- History of blood transfusion
- Landsteiner's Law
- Florida, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 50 minutes
ABO Grouping: Forward, Reverse, & Everything in Between
Webinar Objectives:
- Explain the formation of H, A, and B antigens and soluble substances
- Interpret ABO typing results including ABO discrepancy testing
- Discuss ABO antibodies including immunoglobulin classes and the importance of reverse testing
Speaker: Tricia Sanders
- California, P.A.C.E®, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Automatisierte Titrationen
Zielsetzung des Webinars:
- Titrationen von blutgruppenantikorpern
- ABO titrationen auf dem NEO und NEO Iris
- Nicht-ABO titrationen auf dem NEO Iris
Referentin: Alina Gellerer
- German
- 1 hour
Antibody interpretation: Patterns, Patterns Everywhere
Webinar Objectives:
- Discuss the patterns and consistencies between antiboides
Speaker: H. Cliff Sullivan
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Resolving HLA Discrepancies Between Solid Phase Immunoassays
Webinar Objectives:
- Presentation from each speaker explaining their implementation and use of Immucor's LIFECODES LSA assay into their workflow
- Roundtable discussion to further discuss the advantages of LIFECODES LSA Single Antigen Assay to their toolbox and how it has improved patient care and workflow
- Q&A from audience
Speakers: Evan Atkinson Michael Gautreaux Dave Pinelli Maureen M Miller
- English
- 1 hour
When Are You Phenotyping Patient Specimens?
Webinar Objectives:
- Discuss the testing methodologies used for antigen typing
- Differentiate between monoclonal and polyclonal antisera
- Explain the importance of phenotyping in antibody identification
- Describe common antigen typing protocols for multiply transfused patients
Speaker: Trica Sanders
- Florida, California, P.A.C.E®
- English
- 1 hour
When Things Don’t Go as Expected: Transfusion Reactions
Webinar Objectives:
- Outline the steps involved in the recognition and evaluation of a transfusion reaction
- Classify non-infections transfusion reactions
- Discuss the factors that contribute to the pathophysiology of febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reactions
- Explain the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in immune-mediated hemolysis and how the pro-inflammatory environment is responsible for many of the signs and symptoms related to a hemolytic reaction
- Describe the various factors that influence the development of alloimmunization to RBC antigens
Speaker: Diana L. Riddle, MT, SBB(ASCP)CM
- ACHI, Florida
- English
- 1 hour
Immunology, Complement and Genetics: The Backbone of the Blood Bank
Webinar Objectives
- Distinguish immune response into the action of T Cells and B Cells.
- Recognize the role of immunoglobulins and cells involved in primary and secondary immune response.
- Outline function and process of complement activation in transfusion medicine.
- Demonstrate genetic concepts of blood groups exploring pedigree analysis and population genetics.
Speaker: Jayanna Slayten MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
- P.A.C.E®, Florida, ACHI
- English
- 1 hour
COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis: What do I really need to know?
Webinar Objectives:
- Discuss the advantages of implementing HIT screening tests into your facility
Speaker: Kerry Dowling
- English
- 1 hour
Immucor is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E® & ACHI programs.